Dope Crypto Sites
A collection of educational resources for all things Ethereum
Clear Selection

Shows top fee-earning protocols and how much in fees people are paying to use them. Also, at the top there is a list of affiliated sites with great analytics, like how much money each protocol is printing each day to secure itself, etc.


Best site for real-time Ethereum tokenomics


Shows risk profiles for Layer 2s and Bridges

MEV Watch

Shows how many validators are censoring

Anders Brownworth

Learning how blockchains and hashing work

Bankless Website

Articles, guides, etc. Some content is paywalled


Shows current stats on the decentralization of relayers and builders in delivering blocks to Ethereum validators.

Hildobby's Dune Dashboards

Dope ass Dune analytics creator - just a bunch of data about Ethereum

Shows tornado cash transactions and which relayer delivered them

DeFi Llama

Gargantuan trove of multi chain information on yields, airdrop opportunities, liquidations, stablecoins, hacks, and everything in between

Lucky Staker

Tells what % chance a validator has of proposing a block over a given time

Shows the current health of Ethereum client diversity

Node Watch

Shows current stats on the decentralization of Ethereum nodes

Ether Nodes

Info on node decentralization, clients, etc.

Open Orgs

Tracks DAO treasuries

Coin Gecko

Token prices and tokenomics info


Token prices and tokenomics info

The Daily Gwei (newsletter)

The Daily Gwei newsletter - updates in the Ethereum ecosystem

The closest thing to an official site for Ethereum. Great educational resources. Translated in over 50 languages!

Phi Land

Show how degen you are and also learn about stuff you haven't done yet

Solidity, Blockchain, and Smart Contract Course

Beginner to Expert Python and Solidity Tutorial (from

Crypto Zombies

An OG tutorial for learning solidity


Is there something too technical to wrap your head around? This is your school.

FuruCombo Tutorial by Finematics

Do a flash loan without having to write code


Find live RPCs for different EVM blockchains


Find out if there's an airdrop waiting for you


Dashboard for keeping track of all of your assets and activities, as well as snooping on others


Like a Web3 version of email and Google Drive


A wallet extension to help you understand what you're signing before you get rekt

RPL Dashboard

Dune dashboard by arixon.eth with some interesting insight on support levels for the RPL token

Wrappr - Your crypto law suite

Information on incorporating your DAO

The LeXPunk DAO Defense

Legal discussion about DAOs and legal entities

Colony YouTube Channel

Great content if you're thinking of forming a DAO

Defi Llama Airdrop List

Projects that don't have a token yet, but may in the future

Ethereum, To Be, or Not To Be (Aligned)?

Discussion on what it means to be Ethereum aligned


Among other things, use your Eth account as an email address

Monitor Eth

A fancy-ass website showing stats on current eth validators and nodes

Ethereum Censorship Dashboard

Dashboard that shows how many validators, builders, and relayors are currently censoring

Ethereum Cat Herders

The site that helps core developers coordinate and also enables non-core folks to keep up with EIPs and core research


like - let's you know when you have airdrops available. Affiliated with @OlimpioCrypto

Nfty Chat

Like a Web3 Discord

Vitalik's blog

Vitalik's persona website where he posts his articles

Pseudotheos' blog

Pseudotheos blog about Ethereum and specifically zk stuff. Pretty technical

NFT Loss Harvestooor

A site that will allow you to sell NFTs for next to nothing if you'd like to write them off on your taxes. And then if you regret it later, you can buy them back here for the same price:


A tool that shows you the contracts you've given permission to spend your tokens and allows you to revoke those permissions


Track your entire portfolio across different blockchains and wallets, or use their wallet as a centralized (decentralized) place to access defi

Co-op law

Good information on co-ops in the United States. Not crypto-specific, but may be interesting to US DAO founders searching for how to structure.


All kinds of resources regarding forming a DAO, from legal discussion to DAO tooling

dabdab Mirror articles

Great information on liquid staking derivatives (LSTs)

Patrick McCorry Substack Articles

Treasure trove of good shit written about how Ethereum works


List of tools to help DAOs bootstrap and operate

Token Unlocks

Shows unlock schedules for different tokens

Crypto Conference Tracker

Big spreadsheet of Ethereum conferences

Ether Alpha

List of websites from the chad Hanniabu

DAO Entity Structures & the UNA

the motherload on high-level DAO entity formation in the US - by Nouns DAO

Ether GPT

ChatGPT trained on Ethereum knowledge, by @arixon. Must have ChatGPT4 to access it

Wallet hygiene

A tweet thread by Borintn Security DAO about good security practices to make sure you don't get rekt. Thread links to articles

Delegate Cash

A tool that allows you to use one wallet in place of another, keeping your cold storage safe

AllCoreDevs Updates

Updates by Tim Beiko about the Ethereum All Core Devs calls. This is what's happening with the Ethereum roadmap from the horse's mouth.

Eth Sunshine

Dashboard by Hanniabu showing the current state of Ethereum's decentralization through different metrics

Developer Report

They analyze open-source repos to figure out how many crypto developers exist among different ecosystems

Provides live data of call data and blob usage, complete will vizualizations of rollup data, block sizes, blib inclusion, and more

Find real time analytics on RWAs, LSTs, and USD lending locked in vaults. Includes a handy tool that shows current APY of different LSTs. Built by @nero_eth

A simple, useful dashboard showing how much different kinds of transactions cost on different chains. Built by @0xKofi

What the Blobs?!

The control room for blob watchers. So much good stuff here. By @0xRob.

Tokenomics Explained

Writings and analysis by Logris the Bard (a chad)


The block explorer for blobs.

BADASS sankey diagram showing the orderflow of all Ethereum transactions. Build by Flashbots.

Ethereum Sequencing & Preconfirmations Resources

Updated articles about the future of Based Rollups, Sequencing, Preconfirmations, and Fragmentation on Ethereum


A treasure trove of analytics for traders. The liquidation tab is interesting.

EIC Eth Investment Club

A long, in depth look at Ethereum from an investing point of view. Written for normie investors but goes very deep.


A real time feed on what's happening in the current Ethereum block. Different analytics are clickable and go down rabbit holes. You could get lost here for a long time.

Awesome Ethereum Staking Resources

The mother load of staking resources of all kinds

Push Protocol

A crypto hub that will give you notifications whenever anything happens in protocols you are involved with

Ethereum Model

A spreadsheet by Jon Charbonneau to forecast Eth price, issuance, txn fees, etc based on whatever assumptions you want to input

Rhino Review

Newsletter by ethpiku going over eth staking news. Very comprehensive

The Pass

A dashboard for onchain metrics of different DAOs, a list of DAOs, a podcast, pretty comprehensive

Transaction Street

A freaking amazing way to visualize transactions filling the blocks of Ethereum, Bitcoin, and L2s

Stablecoin Series: Overview on Ethereum

A dune dashboard by @21co showing the current state and evolution of stablecoins

The Ethereum Staking Directory

Compares and contrasts all of the different services with which to stake Eth

Relay Scan

A dashboard showing the dominance of current block builders and relayers over certain time periods


An open source block explorer that you can run yourself along with your own archive node (trustless)


An extension to help make sure you don't get rekt by malicious transactions

Metacrisis DAO

A group trying to make sure crypto helps save humankind from itself

Socket Scan

A block explorer focused on bridging. See all your past and pending bridging transactions

Eth Seer

A really cool way to visualize epochs, who proposed each block, attestation health, etc.

Market Cap Of

Lets you check out what the price of one token would be at the market value of another token. Addictive.

Rocket Rescue Node

Whip up a fall-back node for your validator

Eth Converter

Quickly convert Eth to wei and gwei to make interacting with smart contracts easier

Eth Wizard

A wizard for Ubuntu and Windows to make solo staking easier

Beacon Chain Website

Real time Beacon Chain data, information, and a staking calculator among other features

Rated Network

real time data on beacon chain validators

Eth Staker Knowledge Base

All the info you could want for Eth staking

On-Chain Art

A curated list of NFTs that are fully on chain, focusing on art

Ethereum 2.0 Validator Queue

Very simple and useful. Just what the title says.

Wen Merge

Details on validator queue and upcoming forks. Also will notify you when you're about to propose a block.


All kinds of real time info on Eth staking

Dashboard on slots, slashings, validators, the mempool, etc

LIDO Post Merge Protocol APR

Up-to-date info on Lido staking

Ratio Gang

How we're doing on the flippening

Blobspace 101

Banger explainer by Domothy on EIP 4844 i.e. protodanksharding

Bitcoin Treasuries

Shows how much BTC different companies own

Rocket Pool Explorer (Rocketscan)

Good real time info about Rocket Pool


Discover projects that are on the horizon (or post your own)

Validator Queue

Simple and useful information about the Ethereum validator entry/exit queue


Badass site with L2 usage analytics


Simple but effective tool letting you know how much you've been airdrop farming on zkSync

Data Always

Just a varied array of analytics and articles explaining it all. Pretty badass.

Ethereum Execution Client Diversity

What the title says. Uses a different method to measure these stats than

The Value Prop

A huge list of projects building on crypto networks, broken down by category


A pretty exhaustive list of great sites about MEV

There Is No Second Best

Shows how rich Michael Saylor would be if he were an Eth maxi instead of a laser eyes

The Beacon Chain Ethereum 2.0 explainer you need to read first

An bomb-ass explainer of how the beacon chain works

The Inactivity Leak by Patrick McCorry

An bomb-ass explainer on the inactivity leak


A website that thoroughly assesses the riskiness of different stablecoins

On-Chain Checker

@tokenfox evaluates whether onchain art NFTs are truly onchain

Ethereum Validator Queue Status

A simple dashboard by mike.sylphdapps.eth showing the validator entry and exit queue

MEV Burn by @arixon

Tracks Eth supply in a hypothetical world where we have MEV burn implemented


Allows you to see on-chain messages between addresses

Ethereum Reorg Dashboard

Analytics on reorgs and missed blocks, broken down with different metrics


Dashboard with analytics on different dapps, member curated

Linea Tracker

Show your activity so far on Linea to help gauge potential airdrop eligibility. Can toggle to zkSync as well.

Rollup Economics

A dashboard by Kofi comparing revenues/costs/ profitability of the different rollups. Also, check out his whole list of Dune dashboards. It's dope.

Liquity Tweet comparing oracles

A tweet put out on Aug 18, 2023 by Liquity taking a snapshot of major oracles and their risks and strengths

Nice Node

A user-friendly GUI to make it easier to set up and run a full node on Ubuntu


A smart contract IDE that has an ai helper that will write your contracts for you

Fully Onchain

Another website with a curated list of onchain NFTs, as well as a list of tools and articles

Ethereum Mempool Dashboard

Dashboard of the mempool, demystifying the mystery

10kDrop Dashboard

Track your potential airdrop hunting activity on many of the big L2s. Has a paywall, but offers some info for free


Track your potential airdrop hunting activity on most of the big L2s

Money Movers

Compare how much value Ethereum and Bitcoin has been settling. Also see the links at the top of the screen for other dope dashboards.

See how much current L2 gas fees are for swapping tokens and how much L2s are paying Ethereum L1. Also see the links at the top of the screen for other dope dashboards

Simple Stakers

See current yields different LSTs are earning. Also see the links at the top of the screen for other dope dashboards.

Ulisse Ethereum network topology explorer

Shows on a world map where active Ethereum nodes are


Dashboard showing current and max TPS metrics of different chains

Polynya blog

Articles written by an influential, big brained, outside-the-box thinker

Ethereum Whitepaper

Vitalik's original whitepaper

A Most Peaceful Revolution

Nic Carter's influential essay on why Bitcoin is important

Bitcoin Whitepaper

The paper that started it all

Meditations on Moloch

Scott Alexander's influential piece on Moloch, the human coordination traps that have plagued humanity throughout time and the beast that crypto seeks to help slay

Eth Home Staking Guide Designed For the Layman by @Stakesaurus

A guide to simplify home staking, including becoming your own node operator for protocols that require less than 32 Eth (like Rocketpool and Stader)

A list of all the projects working on bringing real world assets onchain

Ether Clients

The mother of all dashboards for execution client diversity. Lets you search for specific validators


A fancy block explorer/dashboard that spans multiple chains


A dope dashboard by Blocknative showing the current mempool


A large list of potential airdrops and ideas for how to qualify


A blockchain crawler showing execution layer analytics on full nodes for Ethereum mainnet and testnets

Solana Beach

A dashboard on Solana transactions, validators, nodes, etc.

Just DAO It

A podcast by Midao about dao tooling, legal issues, and other nitty gritty DAO things


A DAO that helps DAOs incorporate in the Marshall Islands. Also, a good resource for learning about DAO legal entities.

Primo Data

A list of projects working on crypto data and analysis. Also has a section for AI projects.


Ranking the leading cryptocurrencies by GitHub development momentum.

A great list kinda like this one, but with different resources

Daily Gwei Links

Holy shit, it’s an actual list of all the links from The Daily Gwei YouTube comments!

EigenLayer Stats

A dashboard with EigenLayer metrics


Really cool hub for Ethereum education, taking people from a newb all the way to a dev and then helps them find a job

A collaborative effort to post learnings on public goods funding ideas

Crypto Narratives

A clever dashboard by CryptoKoryo that devises ways to track the value of crypto narratives over time.

A dashboard giving insight into the timing games different node operators are playing with their validators

Verkle Trees For Statelessness

Just tons of info on verkle trees and the stateless roadmap of Ethereum

Build Space

A program that helps you turn your crypto idea into reality, maybe get funding for it, and get to meet a bunch of other builders irl. They even have an irl campus.

DAO Club

A free program to help people learn how to DAO. Sort of a club/school/DAO hybrid, started under the Colony umbrella but very DAO-tooling agnostic. Coco (co-creator of this site) has gone through it and cannot recommend it highly enough.


A one-stop-shop for learning about crypto, whether you are a beginner or quite advanced. It also helps you get connected in the ecosystem.

Alchemy University

Free online crypto courses created by Alchemy


Learn coding, earn rewards, and get help getting hired

Connect to any dapp using anyones address! Freaking neat tool. Cannot initiate txns, obv.


A tool to help you check potential airdrop metrics for your wallets on different L2s

Pixelhack's Farcaster Dashboard

A Dune dashboard from @pixelhack showing growth metrics for Farcaster

Ethereum Roadmap

Shows Vitalik’s latest update on the eth roadmap

Eth Roadmap

An incredibly detailed website showing past forks and EIPs as well as future forks and potential EIPs, complete with predictions and deep rabbit holes about each one. You could get lost here.

MEV Explore V1

A very detailed dashboard showing MEV data

Ethereum Ecosystem

Massive aggregator of dapps, browseable and broken down into categories and which blockchains they are on. Kinda what this website does, but for apps.


Kinda like Dune. Different people create different dashboards for interesting onchain data.


A website dedicated to showcasing the most expensive NFTs and the most successful NFT artists. Uses Dune in the background and has a link to the dashboard.

The Daily Gwei

The podcast that spawned this website. Sassal goes deep into the Ethereum weeds, and the pod is really just for people who already live in said weeds. Not normie friendly, but you also don’t need to be a dev to follow along. He references so many dashboards, we needed a website to keep up with them.


Normie-friendly, highly Eth aligned, great interviews. They get the big guests, teams announce airdrops here, it’s where the stuff happens…A great podcast for anyone to learn, no matter their knowledge level.


Sorta like Bankless, but less normie-friendly and a little more finance focused, but also focused on the tech.

The Bell Curve

Very intellectual. Round-table style, but otherwise you can think of this as the financed-focused version of The Daily Gwei. Quite in the weeds, not mornie-friendly.

Web3 Builders

A deep in-the-weeds podcast hosted by a dev about mostly Ethereum stuff. Big brained. Sometimes goes a while without recording an episode, but usually great content.

Wholesome Crypto

A podcast that gets a little more personal in the lives of prominent crypto people. You can get some alpha here, but it’s also cool just to learn about the people behind the avatars.

Ethfinance Doots Happy Hour

A weekly podcast put on by the EVMavericks and the Ethfinance subreddit. JT reads the top reddit posts of the week, and the Mavericks comment. Usually there’s a special guest each week who talks about their project and gets grilled with questions. Heavy hitters, major weeds but also can be normie-friendly, and great perspectives.

The Defiant

Similar to Bankless, the Defiant covers crypto news, hosts interviews, and has some nice explainers about different crypto topics.


A podcast created by a journalist who got sucked down the crypto rabbit hole. Less Ethereum focused and more generally crypto focused.


An amalgamation of videos put out by Colony core members. Some are about how to start a DAO, some are about how to code in Solidity. It always seems to be very interesting content, and usually DAO-focused.

Just DAO It

A podcast about DAO formation, put on by Midao, which is a project that helps DAOs navigate meatspace laws. Deep in the weeds on DAOs.

Why Are We Here?

A video of Erik Voorhees’ speech at Permissionless (2023) explaining why we are building crypto from a very first principles and very cypherpunk perspective. Some views may seem extreme, but it’s a good way to get grounded in the OG philosophy and reexamine some of your beliefs. (We know, it’s not something to read, but this seemed like the best category for it.)

A Cypherpunk's Manifesto

A short manifesto of cypherpunk ideals, cypherpunks being the group that birthed crypto. This is foundational.

A site where you can sell any NFT for 1 gwei in order to tax harvest. You can also buy any NFT that others have dumped here.

Solana Airdrop Checker

Check your Solana airdrops

Solana Status

Clean dashboard that shows uptime and issues for the Solana ecosystem

EigenLayer Ecosystem Metrics | The Ultimate Dashboard

A dashboard with EigenLayer metrics, including airdrop potential

Gas High Don’t Cry

A dashboard showing how much different types of transactions cost on L1 vs L2s. As of now there’s only L1 and Arbitrum One, but there are plans to expand to the other L2s.

Jason Schwartz

Jason Schwartz (aka CryptoTaxGuy)’s website linking to all of his articles on crypto taxation. This dude is on the forefront of this area.

Token Terminal

Supposed to be a great site for onchain data, but it’s paywalled so fuck if we know

Kiwi Stand

A user-curated news feed of crypto

Infinite Market Cap

Compare the market cap of different things

Garden of Things

Map of ETH Supply by ETH Wave, interactive sankey diagram showing ETH on: L2, Staked, Lost and more.


Easily share your farcaster profile with a frontend agnostic link


A tool that submits your transaction for you when gas is low.


An interactive dashboard showing current staking rewards for different chains, tokens, and LST providers.

Cryptocurrency Jobs

Get a job in crypto! Yes, you.


Another website to check your potential airdrop standing on different protocols

$DUDE: A dude-to-dude electronic cash system

Whitepaper, Dexscreener link, and initial distribution data for $DUDE